Sammen utvikler vi din virksomhet! Sveisekoordinatoren gir deg kontroll over alt, som dokumentasjon for WPS/WPQR, sveisetester, sertifikater, opplæring og utstyr.

Full kontroll, betydelig lavere årskostnad & høyere kompetanse

Sveiseskoordinatoren hjelper deg med


Overvåk og utfør dine egne sveisesertifikat (ISO 9606-1, ISO 9606-2, ISO 14732. Opplæring for de som ønsker å bli sveiseveileder er tilgjengelig på nett. Utvidelse er digital.



Nettbasert opplæring (e-læring), er tilgjengelig 24/7. Og en treningsdag * med ditt nye sveisenettverk med jevne mellomrom. Vi hjelper deg å opprettholde din høye kompetanse.

* Gyldig ved bestilling via nettsiden.



Produsere og ha god oversikt over WPSer og WPQR. Alt er selvfølgelig også tilgjengelig via smarttelefoner for alle sveisere.


  • Få en skikkelig oversikt over hva som er tilgjengelig og når det er på tide å revalidere. Påminnelser sendes selvfølgelig direkte til din e-post – så du trenger aldri å bekymre deg.







* Beregnet for ansettelse av eksternt personale som sveiseveiledere og forelesere.


«The welding coordinator is a tool that gives us control over the entirety of our ISO 3834 work. We are very positive about the availability of online training for our welders and it is easy to issue and follow up our welding certificates.»

LKAB Mekaniska AB, Tord Hugin, Simon Kero


«We at Naverviken have more than 100 WPS and WPQR as well as welder trials to renew and extend. Having everything gathered in one place facilitates our daily operations. The access to training in visual control also means that all welders have the right training from day one. Without the Welding Coordinator we would have to spend much more time searching for information, update information and educate our staff one on one. «


Naverviken AB, Ovidiu Onaca


Good clarity on everything, WPS, WPQR, vision checks, welder tests, etc. Cost savings due to the fact that I myself monitor, perform destructive testing and issue certificates, and that I as a welding manager get better control of knowledge and quality.

Good with E-learnings that, if necessary, keep everyone updated in the requirements that are available for welding. For me as a welding manager, it is worthwhile to have everything gathered in one place.

TISAB AB, Johan Broman


«We use the Welding Coordinator for all our Swedish manufacturing units. Everyone uses the same platform, regardless of whether you are a welder, supervisor, welding technician or welding manager.
Now we are not dependent on different suppliers’ systems but have gathered everything.»


Ellagro, Göran Ahlmark


«I often have 100 balls in the air, projects on the right & left & I hate to have things lying around here and there. As a customer of the welding coordinator, I have everything I need gathered in one place, and I get what I need when I need it.»

Nordkote AB, Magnus Arvola


«Good clarity on everything, WPS, WPQR, vision checks, welder tests, etc. Cost savings due to the fact that I myself monitor, perform destructive testing and issue certificates, and that I as a welding manager get better control of knowledge and quality.

Good with E-learnings that, if necessary, keep everyone updated in the requirements that are available for welding. For me as a welding manager, it is worthwhile to have everything gathered in one place. «

TISAB AB, Johan Broman